Couples: Soaring Together?

For Couples Who Want A Fulfilling Future!

Retirement stress is very real.  While retirement is a time of excitement, it may also be fraught with challenges.  For most couples it is probably a little of both.  When you are planning for retirement or are already in retirement, you may find out that you and your partner see the future very differently. Too often people make the mistake of assuming what the other person is thinking without really asking them.  The sooner you can discuss your hopes and fears for the future, the sooner you will find out what your mate is thinking.  Discovering where you agree and where your views diverge, is the first step to understanding each other and achieving a future you both can be happy about living.  To help you lessen your fears and to assist you as you begin your Rewiring journey we have created a quiz to get you both thinking.

Print out the questionnaire and fill it in. It is helpful to give yourself some quiet time to work on it. Keep track of new thoughts that you may have as you consider your responses.

  1. The key is that you and your partner take the quiz separately.
  2. Try to make your answers as specific as possible.
  3. Be honest. If you don’t have an answer to a question, go to the next question.
  4. A “No” answer indicates the need for more thought.
  5. When you’re done, reflect on your answers for a few days.
  6. Set up the right time and place for you and your partner to share your answers.
  7. There is no scoring or correct answer.
  8. Remember that periodically having discussions about the future will help you course correct before you run into a problem. Remember to have fun with it!

Directions: On questions # 1- 5 use the rating scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being Very Well.

    1. How well do you know yourself?________
    2. How well do you know your partner? _______
    3. How well do you think your partner knows you? ____________
    4. How well do you think your partner knows themselves? ________
    5. Do you know what you want in your future? ________
    6. Have you shared your ideas with your partner? Yes___ No__
    7. Do you and your partner have a lot of interests in common? Yes__ No__
    8. What excites you about the future?
    9. What, if anything, concerns you about the future?
    10. What do you think excites your partner about the future?
    11. What concerns might your partner have?
    12. What activities do you and your partner currently do together?
    13. Have you communicated your future hopes and dreams to your partner?
    14. What obstacles, if any, do you have communicating with your partner?