Your Future: Sunrise or Sunset?

How Do You See the Future?

Some people see the future as a setting sun, and as an ending not a beginning. Others see a new dawn filled with opportunity and promise, and as a new beginning.  Regardless of your age or stage of life, whether you are a pre-retiree, a recent retiree or someone one who has been retired for several years, find out more about yourself and how you feel about the future. Your answers will give you more ideas that will enhance your future.

Print out the questionnaire and fill it in. It is helpful to give yourself some quiet time to work on it. Keep track of new thoughts that you may have as you consider your responses.

  1. The key is that you fill it in!
  2. Try to make your answers as specific as possible.
  3. Don’t rush. If you don’t have an answer to a question, go to the next question and come back to it later.
  4. When you’re done, reflect on your answers for a few days. Add/’s your list.
  5. There is no scoring or right answer, just your answers.
  6. When you’re ready, discuss your answers with your spouse or partner. It’s an excellent way to start thinking about your future.

1. Do you see the future as a Beginning?  _____ an Ending? _____ or Both? _____

2. What is your view on retirement? Positive____ Negative______ Mixed______

3. Do you have a vision for the future? Yes ______ No_______

If yes, describe your vision.

4. List the people, places, activities, etc., that give you joy today.

5. Do you want to continue to work in the future? Yes__ No__ If yes, doing what?

6. List at least 5 things you would like to do in the future.

7. What do you think you will miss from your work or career once you stop working?

8. Are you considering doing volunteer/pro bono work in the future? Yes__ No__

9. Do you do any type of volunteer work now? Yes___ No___

If yes, what type of volunteer activity you like: Hands on? Boards? Other? Describe. 

10. Are you and your spouse or partner on the same page about the future? If yes, cite instances